Badingham Community Council
Badingham Community Council

What is the BCC?

The BCC is a charity that has been established since the mid-1960s, and its ‘charitable purpose’ is to provide facilities and amenities to the people of our village aimed at improving conditions of life. For example, it publishes the Echo magazine, looks after the defibrillator, arranges social events including the annual fete, holds regular draws, funds regular quizzes, and supports other village organisations – for example we will be involved in next year’s D-Day event. We are piloting the idea of regular Bingo Nights.

National public support services are more available than when we were formed, so we haven’t of recent years been involved in educational, health and poverty related work - but could still be.

Do you have a managing committee?

The current Executive Committee of trustees is:

· Sonja Russell, President

· Rita Ruffles, Vice President

· Rob Johnston, Chair

· Wendy Birtall, Secretary

· Bill Dicks, Treasurer

· Pauline Skevington

· Michael Skinner

· Celia Cracknell.

You can always read the latest minutes which will be uploaded asap after each meeting.  New trustees are always welcome. The role won’t put you at risk, as many people mistakenly believe, provided you are sensible, and the time commitment isn’t too great. You could be voted in at the AGM or co-opted during the year – if you are interested in joining mid-year, please contact our secretary via

Can I advertise in the Badingham Echo?

You certainly can – fees are low, making it a great cost-effective way of marketing your local business. Just contact our secretary via who will put you in touch with the Editor, or contact the Editor direct using the details provided in each Echo.

Do you award grants?

We can award grants to help other groups wanting to do things that align well with our purpose. We don’t grant to certain types of people/groups and types of projects. This includes individuals, commercial firms, and Government organisations. That doesn’t mean a person with a good idea can’t get funded. We are always happy to talk and see if others might also benefit and who knows, a wider funded project might come of it.

We have a detailed Grant Awarding Policy, but it is technical to comply with legislation and the rules governing charities. Put briefly, all charities must be strict about the way their money is used, because it is really their supporters’ money. That means we will expect applicants to be of a certain status, which we’ll check. We’ll need to make sure money is used within the scope of our purpose and as agreed with you.

We’ve heard people saying, ‘why haven’t you spent all the money shown in your accounts?” We can’t spend to our last penny, because we must keep a sensible level of reserves to ensure we remain viable and there is money there if a project with big benefits turns up. We now have a Reserves Policy  explaining in more detail, and the Accounts show our reserves. We will in future publish Business Plans that show what we’re planning to spend on.

So, if you have a great idea and feel we could help, just talk to us - contact our secretary, at, currently Wendy Birtall. We can help you through the fine print if needed and help you fill in the Application Form. Most applications are simple and decided at our regular meetings, after which we make payment quickly.

Our biggest challenge recently has been receiving few creative ideas that might need funding, so do come forward with yours!

How do I become a Member and volunteer for you?

The village has always been very good at supporting us when needed and we would appreciate it if you could get in touch if you can lend a hand. We would like our members, and indeed all residents, to play a bigger part in helping with events and activities. In the past, we were sometimes contacted to say that members who wished to help had not been asked to. We hope this will be a thing of the past as our new membership form asks you for contact details. Membership runs from the 1st October to the 30th September each year and allows you to contribute to the charity and if you wish take part in the Little ERNIE 50:50 draw. Fees are very modest, and we’d love everyone to join! If you have any questions, just contact our treasurer on

When is your Annual General Meeting (AGM)?

It is held each November in the Village Hall. This year (2023) it is on Thursday 9th November at 7pm.

The AGM is another great opportunity to have your say. We welcome anyone who lives in the parish, but please note only paid-up members of the BCC may vote.

Please find below links for: the Agenda; Minutes of the AGM held on 10 Nov 2022; and this year’s Accounts. When reading the Accounts, please note that the first section is our formal ‘Financial Accounts’ that we would submit to the Charity Commission were we larger, the second part is a standard Bank Reconciliation (it also explains our accounting basis), and the third part is an Analysis that shows you what funds we received from our supporters and what we did with the funds. The Accounts are reconciled between each year, have been Independently Inspected and signed off by the Inspector.

Policies and associated documents as detailed above:

Annual General Meeting, 7pm, Thursday 9th November 2023

Please find below links for the 2023 agenda, and minutes of the AGM held on 10 Nov 2022